CELLULITE BODY SYNERGY Lemon, Lavander, Pinus Pimillo, Foeniculum vulgare oil 1.014 o.z.



Valuable compound of essential oils indicated for the shock-treatment of tissues affected by cellulite’s blemishes. The synergy of these essences exerts a strong lipolytic action by stimulating the microcircle and the basal metabolism.


Take the required quantity of product with the special dropper and spread it directly on the affected areas. Let it penetrate with a gentle massage.


LEMON: The lemon has important draining properties, it stimulates the micro-circle and helps to awaken the fats’ metabolism. The high concentration of vitamin C, makes it a valuable help to restore and strengthen the veins’ vestibule.

LAVANDER: Lavender essential oil has several therapeutic properties for the mind and body. Known for its incredible relaxing and antidepressant properties, this essence is also known for its important aesthetic properties. In fact, it exerts an important stimulating action of blood and lymphatic circulation with consequent activation of lipid metabolism.

PINUS PUMILLO: This essential oil stimulates the microcirculation and oxygenation of the tissues, with the consequent awakening of cellular activity and increase of the lipolytic activity.

FOENICULUM VULGARE OIL: The essential oil of Foeniclum Vulgare has important toning, purifying and draining properties. In synergy with other extracts, it amplifies the lipolysis phase.