Professional face peeling based on a pool of 7 exfoliating and antioxidant acids of natural and biotechnological derivation. A revolutionary formulation developed to help renew the skin, smooth its texture
and improve its appearance. It promotes a deep but gentle exfoliation by accelerating cellular turn-over and promotes the penetration of active ingredients capable of repairing the collagen and elastin
fibers in the deepest layers of the dermis. Reduces stains, erases small wrinkles and signs of stress such as dull complexion and dark circles. Leaves the skin soft, supple, compact and radiant. Suitable for all skin types even on extremely sensitive ones.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: After a thorough cleansing of the face, neck and décolleté, apply the product using a brush on dry skin. Leave for at least 10 minutes and gently remove with moistened sponges.
We recommend using the product once / twice a week.
MALIC ACID: Plays an important lightening and anti-stain action, making it particularly sui- table for the treatment of discoloration and me- lasma. In synergy with the other components, it makes this formulation suitable for the treatment of impure, asphyxiated and thickened skin.
TARTARIC ACID: Plays an important kera- tolytic, comedolytic, lightening and antioxidant action. In the treatment of thickened skins, it resto- res natural softness, gives tone and brightness. In the treatment of blackheads and acne it facilitates the emptying of the cysts, allowing a deep purification of the skin; in the treatment of dark spots it removes the superficial cells from the epidermis, stimulating cellular turnover and giving an imme- diate brightness.
CITRIC ACID: Plays an important chelating, exfoliating and keratolytic action
MANDELIC ACID: Plays an important li- ghtening, antioxidant, purifying action. In the treatment of impure skins, slows down the proli- feration of bacteria that cause acne and pimples; in asphyxiated skin or those subjected to photo-a- ging, it eliminates the stratum corneum by pro- moting the regeneration of new and young cells, reducing small wrinkles and lightening surface stains. It stimulates the synthesis of new collagen, the supporting structure of the dermis, giving tone and elasticity
GLYCOLIC ACID: Its activity is linked to the ability to reduce the cohesion forces between the corneocytes by direct action on desmosomes. The exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis and the consequent increase in cell turnover speed, produces an increase in fibroblast activity and in the production of collagen and elastin
LACTIC ACID: Belonging to the family of alpha hydroxy acids, it is able to break the bonds that are created between keratinocytes, facilitating their re- moval, thus promoting a faster cell renewal (turn-o- ver) without altering the natural pH of the skin. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen (protein that gives structure to the skin) and of elastin (protein that gives elasticity to the skin). It thus makes the
eventual conveyance of active ingredients more effective and efficient and removes any deposits of melanin present in the most superficial layers of the skin. Moreover, thanks to its hygroscopic pro- perties, it is able to attract water molecules up to the deepest layers of the skin, in order to make it more compact, soft and smooth to the touch.
SALICYLIC ACID: Plays a powerful keratolytic and smoothing action, since it is able to selectively break the protein chain of keratin, present in the corneocytes, thus decreasing the cohesion forces between the cells, favoring the desquamation of hyperpigmented keratinocytes and stimulating cell renewal. It gives brightness and compactness. In this formulation it also performs a purifying and soothing action on impure skin.
SUGAR: Natural exfoliant, gently removes im- purities leaving the skin moisturized, soft and supple. It stimulates cellular turnover by promo- ting epidermal tissue self-regeneration. Removes toxins and oxygenates tissues.
UREA: Plays an important moisturizing and ke- ratolytic action. As the hyaluronic acid has the pro- perty to attract and retain water molecules in the epidermis up in deepest layers thus being effecti- ve in the treatment of dehydrated, dry, chapped skin. It has exfoliating properties, able to remove dead cells, even those of the most thickened hor- ny layer, thus restoring vitality and softness to the skin.
HYALURONIC ACID: Hyaluronic acid is one of the main components of human connective tis- sues. Thanks to its ability to recall and bind to itself a high number of water molecules, it guarantees deep hydration, resistance, structure and firmness of the skin.
VITAMIN E /TOCOPHEROL: It carries out an important antioxidant action capable of blocking the harmful effect that free radicals exert on the cells. It protects the structure of collagen and pre- serves skin elasticity, thus counteracting prema- ture aging due to the oxidative stress of sunlight, pollution and smoke. The skin thus remains toned and elastic, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles, tissues emptying and the loss of the definition of the face contours